Distance Education institute Delhi from a UGC (Deb) MHRD Recognized university, For institute for Distance Learning contacts Shiksha Educational Group.
What’s up buddies? So, Students, you must probably have heard about distance education institutes Delhi or correspondence courses institutes some may have willing to complete their education from distance learning education because of incompletion in their education degree/ equivalent/ master or etc or for those who are not able to attend regular college because of their time-lapse/economical issues or for those who prefer to work along with study.
What is Distance Education or Distance Learning?
So, relates to this study method you may get several questions and doubts regarding this concern.
In this article, we will describe to you about what is “distance learning education”, and advantage for this study method.
So, first of all, we would like to clarify you the basic of Distance learning education, so this study method basically based on education from distance in which students doesn’t require to attend the college or attend any class, even students can take admission through online by university if not by online then through any education consultant.
In this case, the university delivered the study materials and books by courier or from the post on the given address of students. Students can study by home they just need to go for examination on given authorized or Aptech centers of university or in university’s main campus. Many universities in India provide Distance education degree which is completely legal and acceptable anywhere in graduation eligible criteria.
Advantages of Distance education learning:-
Education with Job
This is generally good and beneficial for those who want to work along with their studies, Some people want to complete their education but because of any reason they need to work as well or if they are passionate to learn corporate world beside with study they can easily maintain there work-life as well as their education through Distance education mode.
They can work regularly and give some time to study at home according to their convenience, So once they graduate or complete their education with this study method they will have experience of work along with study which can be very helpful for boost up career in any corporate sector or work life.
Continue Study After Huge Years Gap
Distance learning provides another chance to students for those who are having a gap in their study or for those who couldn’t completed their study at any level because of any reason. Most of the university who are allowing distance education or correspondence courses in their the university takes care of students in this case if they are dropped out, not qualified or left in middle.
They can easily take an admission by any UGC & DEB approved university who provides Distance Learning and complete their education.
Residing far from any Institutional area
This is another case which will be very helpful for those who are not a permanent resident of any place or if they don’t have stability on their living place, if a student doesn’t have his/her permanent address or residence nearby university or college they don’t need to get worried about relocate or transportation issues.
They can easily take admission in any university from distance education institute Delhi and they can study by home by getting delivered them books or study material via courier at home.
They need to go for examinations on given nearby center or college on exam time from their recognized university. This will also helpful for those students who want to complete their degree or study from college which is
not located in their state or country, some university allows take admissions online as well as online examination too, so a student can complete their education without any traveling trouble.
Professional Course together with Degree or Certificate
Some students want to complete their degree/ equivalent/ or masters and along with that other education which is technically requires to attend regularly. They can proceed for this study program with a dual course beside with their regular study course.
For example, if a commerce student wants to do CA as well as graduation from B.COM, for a student it will be too time taken to complete first B.COM and then go for CA.
So, in this case, the student can directly take a part in CA along with that student can complete the degree of B.COM from distance education, so once student completes his/her CA he/she will have a degree of B.COM as well along with CA certification, the same can be applicable with any stream of students.
Validity and Equivalency
Distance learning sounds an easy thing and seems like it’s not that much valuable equivalent to other regular courses, we would like to clarify your doubt It’s not really like that.
This is completely acceptable and valuable in that place where a degree requires, If it’s not then UGC approved universities wouldn’t have done provides this facility legally to any student. So be aware of those who forbid you to complete your education by this process of distance education.
Though we believe regular course or college is giving much fruitful experience and gives a chance to experience the college life, but what if some are not able to go regular or if they need to work beside study.
Distance education completely takes cares for those students or people.
Financially week students can also apply
One more advantage we would like to share with you is money saving, commercialization in education is increasing day by day so this will help you to keep you out from that money pulling Universities/college or school.
Usually fee of course from a distance learning institute Delhi is very less than compared to a regular course, as well as daily expenses of study can save by this process.
So, these are some fruitful advantages we could share with you which is extremely effective in your career/study or daily life.
Distance education is technically a study process which helps students to maintain their other life or work along with a study or we can say by not giving up on study even though if you are not able to attend the college on a regular basis.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Below are some frequently asked questions by seekers for this distance learning institute Delhi, we hope this will meet your expectations :
➢ Is it equivalent or acceptable and valuable as a regular course?
Yes, It is completely acceptable by any place where criteria meet your education from distance. An applicant of degree holder from distance education is eligible to apply for any job where degree requires, Not any corporate sector can refuse as far as you have received your degree legally from UGC approved university.
➢ Can student process for a regular course after completion of distance
education on the eligibility of distance education certificate or degree?
Well! we will be honest with you, as we don’t provide any fake information to our readers. So, not every regular course you can proceed as taking eligibility for your distance certificate or degree.
The most regular course relates to engineering or medical are not giving regular admission for those who have studied by distance learning education at any time but recently govt. deny the validity of this course from distance, but courses relate to Management, banking, retail, etc. are eligible to complete by regular study the process even if you have studied through distance education institute.
➢ Do students need to visit university or college? if yes, then how many times during the whole study period. ?
In some college or university students needs to go for admission where some universities are accepting online admission so it depends on the University for the Admission Process. After completion of admission, students don’t require visiting or attending college as the university provides study material at home.
Students only need to visit at the time of examination on given centers by university or college where exams are held.
Courses and Colleges in India Provides Distance education learning-
Here is a list of all the correspondence courses and latest universities list with there recognized distance programs,
as per Ugc official website